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Exciting news! GameAnalytics and Unity Technologies have partnered up to bring developers an unprecedented analytics solution! Analytics have become an increasingly important subject for game producers and developers, not only for free-to-play games, but all forms of interactive media. In concert with the tools of creativity, imagination and experience, game designers who make use of rock-solid statistical and analytic information are able to make the most informed and intelligent decisions, and therefore will always have the upper hand. This gives developers and end user the most solid, maximized user experience possible.. resulting in more engaging and exciting games, less frustration, and a lot more revenue! Find everything you need to get started with this powerful new service on the Unity Asset Store.

Read this featured interview with Roadhouse Interactive’s CEO, James Hursthouse, on how they have taken advantage of the Unity Asset Store eco-system to discover and integrate GameAnalytics. The GameAnalytics tool brought Roadhouse Interactive closer to their players and enabled them to get deep insights into their game performance with a data driven approach to game development.

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via by Caitlyn